Lauren Hall-Behrens

Originally from Texas, Lauren arrived in Oregon in the mid-nineties after having completed a BA from the Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA. Armed with a Liberal Arts degree focused in Psychology and Art, Lauren actively engaged in finding an occupational match for her passionate interest in the affects of both the natural and built environments on human psyche, behavior and experience.

During a period of informational interviews, the field of Landscape Design presented itself and the match was made. Lauren gained a professional degree in Landscape Design and experience working as an intern with a prominent Portland area landscape design firm. It was through this internship that Lauren had the opportunity to develop her aesthetic and realize her priorities as a landscape designer—bringing intention, beauty, and emotional resonance to her work.

She continued her experiential studies while working in several public gardens in the US and Britain while also broadening her understanding and knowledge of gardens and landscapes through extensive regional garden touring and on-going education.

Over the last 20 years, Lilyvilla Gardens designs have appeared in numerous publications including Garden Design, Architectural Digest, Dwell and Gray.